Why Not to Vote for Trump, From A to Z

From abortion to Zika, all the reasons you shouldn’t cast a vote for the GOP nominee

For millions of Americans, there’s no denying that a certain appeal. He’s brash. He’s rich. He’s unapologetic. He projects himself as a champion of the working stiff.

But before you cast a ballot for Trump, consider what you are actually endorsing. As voters, we all give favored candidates a few mulligans: “I disagree with the candidate on X” – or even X, Y and Z – “but I’m comfortable voting for that person.”

Trump is not your average candidate.

Here we present a Trump A-to-Z challenge: 26 declarations Trump has made over the course of the campaign. Can you stomach what Trump has said he stands for – from abortion to Zika – and still cast a ballot for the man?

Abortion: “You have to ban it …. there has to be some form of punishment.” [MSNBC, March 2016]

Banning Muslims: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” [Reading his own prepared statement, December 2015]

Climate Change: “I don’t believe in climate change.” [CNN, September 2015]

Debt: “I would borrow knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.” [CNBC, May 2016]

EPA: “We are going to get rid of it in almost every form. We’re going to have little tidbits left.” [Debate, March 2016]

Fighting protesters: “Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell – I promise you, I will pay the legal fees.” [Rally, February 2016]

Guns: “I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools …. My first day, it gets signed, OK? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.” [Campaigning, January 2016]

Hillary Clinton: “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the women’s card.” [News conference, April 2016]

Immigration: “Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation …. Our enforcement priorities will include removing … millions of recent illegal arrivals.” [Speech, August 2016]

Judges: “Maybe we use Judge Scalia as the ultimate example of what we’re looking for, OK?” [Values Voter Summit, September 2016]

Ku Klux Klan: “I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists … did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists.” [CNN, February 2016]

Lying: “ISIS is honoring President Obama. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.” [Rally, August 2016]

Mexico: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems …. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists.” [Campaign announcement speech, June 2015]

Nukes: “I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me.” [Debate, December 2015]

Oil in Iraq: “You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils. Now, there was no victor there, believe me. There was no victor. But I always said: Take the oil.” [Commander-in-Chief Forum, September 2016]

Periods: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” [After being questioned by Megyn Kelly, August 2015]

Quality of life: “Immigration security is national security …. This isn’t just a matter of terrorism, but also quality of life.” [Rally, September 2016]

Refugees: “I’m putting people on notice that are coming here from Syria as part of this mass migration, that if I win, they’re going back …. They could be ISIS.” [Rally, September 2015]

Stop-and-frisk: “I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well.” [Sean Hannity town hall, September, 2016] (Ed note: The practice is unconstitutional.)

Torture: “Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would – in a heartbeat. And I would approve more than that …. Believe me, it works. And you know what? If it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway.” [Rally, November 2015]

Unemployment: “What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump? …. You’re living in poverty … you have no jobs … What the hell do you have to lose?” [Speech to black voters, August 2016]

Vladimir Putin: “If he says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him … very much of a leader … the man has very strong control over a country.” [Commander-in-Chief Forum, September 2016]

War Crimes: “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families.” [Fox and Friends, December 2015]

Xenophobia: “[Clinton] doesn’t know what she’s doing except open borders and let everybody come in and destroy our country.” [Speech, September 2016]

Yes men: “They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it.” [On making military leaders follow illegal orders, March 2016]

Zika: “You have a great governor who’s doing a fantastic job – Rick Scott – on the Zika …. He’s going to have it under control, he probably already does.” [Interview, August 2016] (Ed note: On August 19th, the CDC warned of Zika transmission in a 1.5-square-mile area of Miami Beach. By September 17th, that area had grown to 4.5 square miles.)

“Anybody of wealth or even modest wealth who doesn’t have a prenuptial agreement is mentally retarded, okay?”

Meet the convicted criminals that Trump granted clemency. ⤵

Stand Up. Speak Out. Fight for your voice.

"Our disconnection with the world, translates into a kind of disrespect of the feminine. How far can you go in violating the mother that gave you life? As long as the feminine is diminished the connection between us and the earth is going to be always underscored by a big question mark.  We have abused the earth so much, that we don't know which direction to go. We must wonder what the connection between this increasing masculinity that is translated in terms of repeated violence or the love of it."
Malidoma Somé, PhD Elder of the Dagara people, W-Africa & Author

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